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Dato: 13. juli 1851
Fra: Hubert Smith   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

13th July /51. Address: St. Leonards, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England.

Dear Sir,

The perusal of "A true Story of your Life" gave me a sort of friendly feeling towards the writer, which I own has. induced me to pen this letter, not that your name was unknown to me before, for during a visit to Copenhagen last summer, where I experienced much pleasure and I may add Instruction and advantage, I often heard your name pronounced when I made enquiries about Danish Literature and Denmark's Authors; and even before I knew whowas the Author, the "Eventyr" was one of my purehases from a certain originality and quaint conception in the engravings which pleased me and which could only have been derived from the tales which they illustrated.

When I had bought the Book I must confess that my scanty knowledge of the Danish Language did not enable me. to understand or appreciate the tales, yet singular enough during my sojoum at Berlin, before my return to England, I met with Mr. Hamilton who often mentioned you and who was kind enough to translate some of your tales which pleased and gratified me. But to mention the subject of my Letter. This year the "Exhibition" is the centre of attraction in England and yon may visit it. Should yon do so, a visit to my House for 2 or 3 weeks would give me pleasure. The County where I reside is not far from one of the main lines of Railway from London, and on reaching the Town of Bridgnorth, I am there well known. The County itself is most picturesque, and the greater part of it formed anciently part of the Marches or frontiers of the Principality of Wales, a line of country famous in that time for its Brides, wars, feuds, but now for tradition and beautiful scenery. I do not expect yon will experience any difficulty as to language, for I recollect some lines of yours referring to a visit in Scotland. Trusting you will favor me with a few lines as to whether and when I am to expect you, and assuring you a hearty welcome should you feel inclined to visit me . . .

[Efter et langt fransk citat om venskab slutter brevet:]

Should we meet, adien till then; if that event never happens still, Believe me, my dear Sir, to remain, yours very truly,

Hubert Smith

To Hans Christian Andersen

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