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Dato: 31. maj 1856
Fra: Marcus Spring   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

Eagleswood Perth Amboy

May 31 / 56

My dear friend Hans Christian Andersen

I have this moment read a line from our friend Miss Wulff, giving the very pleasant news that you think of coming to America. I can't tell you how glad we & a great many others will be to welcome you here & I have only 4 minutes allowed me to tell you, you must come directly to my place of business 22 Broad St New York & get directions (if I am not there) how to come to Eagleswood / & there & then we will make all plans and arrangements for your future journeyings.

In truth & Love
(& great haste)
Your friend

Marcus Spring

Tekst fra: Solveig Brunholm