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Dato: 19. december 1862
Fra: Anne S Bushby   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

Bordeaux - La Gironde - France. 19th December, 1862.

Dear Mr. Andersen,

I was delighted to receive your kind letter from Tangiers, dated 7 Nov., and to hear that youare so pleased with the scenery around, og de Skiønhed af den livløse Natur, which you could so well appreciate. Spain, too, must be full of charms for one af so much taste and mind as yourself; taste for the beautiful which still exists - mind to recall the glories of the past in the land af the Cid - and af the still more interesting Moors af old. We shall expect some very glowing pictures in your next work; and, if youentrust the translation af it into English to me, I shall do my best to give your thoughts and descriptions con amore.

"The Ice Maiden" - "Iisjomfruen", which is charming, is coming out at Juletid. I enelose the advertisement from "The Times". I sent over your letter to our friend Mr. Bentley and hope he has received it safely, but he has not yet answered my letter enclosing it.

You will see by the date of this letter that I am not at home just now, but am at Bordeaux, in France. We came here early in November, and shall remain here until the 19th af Jan.y - and then return to England.

My daughter and I had the great pleasure of visiting Denmark and Sweden last Autumn. We were quite delighted with both countries. In Sweden, with the Gotha river and Trollhatten, those splendid water-falls, next only to Niagara in North America, which I saw some years ago. Denmark is a beautiful country, and Copenhagen the most interesting and attractive place that can be. Thorwaldsen's magnificent statues are alone worth the journey to see - ane stands - breathless - in admiration of them. And the Museum of Northern Antiquities is exceedingly interesting, especially as good Mr. Thomsen explains everything so well. I was very anxious to see "The Round Tower", the home of Neils Bryde's juvenile days, in "To Be, or Not to Be" and I did not give my dear Danish friends any rest until they had gone up the winding ascent with us. We went also to see the Studios of Herrer Jerichau and Bissen, and saw busts of you at both. We wished you had been in Copenhagen when we were there.

You ask about Mr. Charles Dickens. It is quite true that he has separated from his wife. Some people blame him, some blame her. He is now the Editor of a weekly Journal, called "All the Year round", price two pence per number; and he gives Readings (lectures) of his own works in public, for which people buy tickets. I hear that he does not stand so high in public opinion as he used to do. I only speak, however, from On dit - for I do not know Mr. Dickens myself.

When next you are so good as to write to me, be so kind as to address your letter to 3 Halkin Street, Grosvenor Place, London.

With our united kind regards to you and wishing you a happy new year, believe me, My dear friend,

Yours most sincerely,

Anne S. Bushby.

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