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Dato: 14. september 1863
Fra: Richard Bentley   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

London. New Burlington Street. Sept. 14, 1863.

My very dear Friend,

Although our correspondence is like Angels' Visits few and far between I can assure you unfeignedly that you occupy a very quarter of my heart. I have had the pleasure of hearing of you from several friends; and earnestly hope you are in the enjoyment of health.

Next year D. V. I trust I may have the pleasure of seeing you here, when we are to celebrate the tercentenary of our glorious Shakspeare. Then, I hope you will give me the pleasure of seeing you at my home.

In a short time I hope now to publish my beautifully illustrated edition of The Ice Maiden, of which I shall have pleasure in sending early copies to you. Will you tell me, to what friends of yours I may have the pleasure of sending your book here in your name?

All my family desire to be most warmly remembered to you. Believe me to remain,

My very dear Friend,

Always yours,

Richard Bentley

I think you will be pleased by my beautiful book. The sisigns were made for it by Herr Zwecker and were executed con amore.

Richard Bentley.

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