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Dato: 26. oktober 1863
Fra: Richard Bentley   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

New Burlington Street. Oct. 26, 1863.

My dear Friend,

I have received your last letter and with Mrs Bushby have prepared a Dedication to the Princess of Wales. In taking the step I did in asking permission to dedicate the Ice Maiden to her, I was not aware that the book had been previously dedicated to your friend. You will, I feel sure, give me credit for good intention in this. The blunder has been, I think, successfully got over, by phrasing the dedication to the English Version of the book to H. R. H. the Princess.

Will you kindly send me your book "In Spain" which you do me gratification to offer me. I should like to publish it. I don't think I ever saw your book "In Sweden". Has it been long published? Mrs Bushby mentioned that you had published an account of your visit to Charles Dickens at Gad's Hill! Where can I get this? I should like to see it. May I ask for Sweden also.

How can I best send you any new publication af mine? There is one which I should like to forward to you, Capt. Knight's Pedestrian Joumey in Cashmere and Thibet.

The English people are almost unanimously loyal to the Danes, in regard to the absurd interference with, or rather proposed interference with, the brave Danes. Whatever Lord Russell may say, the English will not permit this wrong. The doltish King af Prussia had better attend to the well-ordering af his own house, or per adventure he may find it convenient to take a house an the Thames at Richmond, where other royal Exiles have found a home in their adversity. Wouldn't Napoleon the Third rejoice, if Prussia (by madly committing herself in this petty warfare) were to give him the desired opportunity - of marching down the Rhine, and so rectify the boundaries af France?

Adieu! God bless you.

Ever yours with true affection,

Richard Bentley.

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