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Dato: 20. september 1869
Fra: H.C. Andersen   Til: Melancthon M. Hurd
Sprog: dansk, engelsk.

[Jonna Drewsens håndskrift]

Basnæs at Skjelskjør, Denmark

My dear Sir!

I have been highly rejoiced in receiving your dear letter inclosing your portrait. I thank you for every hearty word and should have answered you earlier, if my time had allowed it, the two last weeks having taken up my whole time, so that none was let me for writing letters. The 6th of September it was 50 years ago when I arrived alone and without aquaintance to Copenhagen, 14 years old; this day has been granduously celebrated by my numerous friends. I have sent some danish news papers with extracts of the festivals to Mr Scudder who will be so kind to impart them to you, I am sure of your hearty sympathy. The whole royal family has shown me great favours and kindness, the king favoured me with the order as "Commander of the Dannebrog". The students of Copenhagen asked my permission to put my image in / sculpture in their collection of celebrated danish men. At the festival were collected members of our noblest and best men and women. I feel deeply moved by this great and unexampled kindness shown to me, and feel deeply that my life really has become the most beautiful tale. Receive my best thanks for the noble sympathy, shown by you, and for the sunshine of sympathy sent to me from America.

Now I fly for some months to Italy and the South of France, and from this place I hope to be able to send you at time stories for the Monthly Magazine though I cannot promise a story for every month.

Incloding my portrait and my warmest compliments I remain, my dear Sir, Yours for ever

[Med HCAs egen håndskrift:] Hans Christian Andersen

Tekst fra: Solveig Brunholm (microfilm 13-1, 1039-40)