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Dato: 1. januar 1870
Fra: Horace E. Scudder   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

Riverside, Cambridge, Mass. 1 January 1870

My good friend,

This is my first letter in the New Year and I will preface it with the heartiest wishes that God may make this a Happy New Year to you. I have just received your very kind letter written at Nice the ninth of last month; and enclosing the bright little vignette so timely! it comes just as I am closing up my February number, and I am happy that you should have been prompted to send it when you did. Glad I was able also to hear of your safe journey and final rest in the Southland. I fancy that all the winter storms could not prevent yon from recalling with pleasure your visit at Vienna and Munich, your talk with Kaulbach and all the agreeable chats with friends.

I fear I must have failed to receive the letter from Vienna in which you acknowledge the receipt of the draft. The acknowledgement I am glad now to get, but sorry I am to have lost one of your kind letters.

We have been delayed more than I could have wished in making ready the successive volumes of your works. Wonder Stories could not be brought out in season for the Holidays, and so, in accordance with custom here, the publication is postponed until the 1st of February. After that will follow the volume In Spain and Portugal, then O. T. and Only a Fiddler; after that we hope to have ready The Story of M Y Life and the concluding volumes will be Stories and Tales, A Poet’s Bazaar, In the Harz Mts.

The Story of My Life I think will be ready in the early Spring, but it is difficult here to get good translation quickly done, and we have been much disappointed by the delay of our translator. you shall have early information of our intentions.

The Publishers will soon send you at Copenhagen copies of the three volumes now ready, Improvisatore, The Two Baronesses, and Wonder Stories.

I hope that the warm days in Mentone & Nice may make your tree of imagination to blossom with pretty stories!

Messrs. Hurd and Houghton send their cordial greeting for the New Year and wish you the full enjoyment of health and sunshine.

Ever, dear Mr. Andersen,

Most truly yours


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