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Dato: 27. maj 1870
Fra: Horace E. Scudder   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

Riverside, Cambridge, Mass. 27 May 1870

Accept my hearty thanks, M y dear Mr. Andersen, for the pretty story "Great Grandfather" which you kindly send with your esteemed letter of the 5 May. It is in the artists hands and will follow the story of "The Candles."

I am daily engaged upon the revision of the translation of Mit Livs Eventyr and in correcting the proofs as the book passes through the press. I think now that the book will be ready early this summer, but the publishers do not deem it advisable to publish before, let us say, the 1st of September coming, when the trade again revives. It is not well here to issue books in the summer season.

I am very anxious to press the remaining volumes of the series forward and I am pretty confident that the whole will be ready by Christmas 1870. Our Mr. Houghton is just now travelling across the continent to California. Think of it! only a week from Boston to San Francisco by the great Pacific Railway. He takes his wife with him and they travel with a party of ladies and gentlemen in superb ears, where they have state rooms as in a boat, and sit down to elegant dinners in a travelling dining room! The Arabian Nights can show few things more wonderful.

With every wish for your happiness

Most truly your friend


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