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Dato: 10. april 1871
Fra: Horace E. Scudder   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

Riverside, Cambridge, Mass. 10 April 1871

ETATSRAAD H. C. ANDERSEN my very good friend,

This pleasant spring weather makes all our wings creak and I fear you will be flying out over the Continent when my letter reaches Copenhagen. I want just to thank you for your very great kindness in making so choice a selection of books for me. The books have come and I have begun to write out a translation of Goldschmitt's pretty story, and am reading Blicher's novels. I have become an enthusiast in Scandinavian literature and life and I shall not be content until I have become familiar with both and have seen in person your charming land. The lllustrated Times comes regularly and I find it very attractive. Now that you have put me in communication with Reitzel, I will not trouble you further in the matter of books, but will write direct to him. I see that I have a balance in my favor in his hands. I enclose Hurd & Houghton's statement of account with you for the half year ending with Dec. 31, 1870. I am sorry for the delay but it has enabled them also to include payment for Lucky Peer as published in Scribner's Monthly. I enclose with it two drafts, one on Sampson Low Son & Co. of London for £,25. and one on Brown, Shipley & Co. of London [£] 57/2/6. These two drafts cover the amount of the indebtedness.

I also have the pleasure to inform you that the Publishers have sent you a package of books containing all the volumes of your writings thus far published excepting those already sent you, and I hope you will receive them soon and in good condition.

The Story of My Life was published day before yesterday. I should have liked to bring it out on your birthday but that could not well be. I think there will be a good deal of interest felt in the book and I hope to send you from time to time reviews of it as they appear in our best journals. There is a pleasant little story travelling through our newspapers that an enthusiastic friend of yours had purchased the little house at Odense in which you were born and had given it to you. I hope it is true!

Let me hear from you soon, and whenever you have a new story I will gladly translate it and put it before our readers. Y our publishers send a hearty greeting and believe me

Ever sincerely yours


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