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Dato: 14. november 1871
Fra: Horace E. Scudder   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: engelsk.

Riverside, Cambridge, Mass. 14 November 1871.

My dear Mr. Andersen,

I had a few days since your very pleasant letter of the 11 October, received shortly after I had written urging you to come over and visit us here in America, and now I have your most courteous one of the 22d. Believe me I appreciate most fully the delicate consideration which your letter shows. Prof. Carøe had written to the publishers and they had submitted the letter to me. I advised them that it was unnecessary to send to Prof. Carøe, as Mr. Bagger who was near at hand could make all necessary revision for us, and I accordingly write to Prof. Car6e, thanking him for the offer but declining his services. Here let me thank you for all the generous words you use of my translation. I assure you it is a great pleasure to me to know that on the whole my work has been satisfactory to you. I can well believe that error s especially in proper names have crept in and I hope that we can correct them without delay against future editions.

I considered the matter of republishing To be or not to be, but concluded that at present it was hardly expedient. An interest was shown by the public in pictures of Northern lue, as in O. T. Only a Fiddler and the Two Baronesses, but in the somewhat experimental enterprise of publishing so many volumes I thought it best not to add this which depended so much more for its interest on philosophy.

I have translated "The Great Sea Serpent" and will see that it appears here in December. Thank you for sending so clever a story. It is a fit message by that telegraph cable of thought and affection which has united our two countries long before the cable was laid at the bottom of the sea. I have not yet had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Watt but shall welcome him heartily when he comes. I remember well his name in your Story of M Y Life and have since met his name in the lllustratet [sic] Tidende.

Let me hope that my letter inviting you here came at a fortunate moment when you were ready to say yes. We will add to the decorations which the King of Sweden & Norway gave you the ribbons of American popular homage.

Ever faithfully yours


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