Dato: 11. juli 1857
Fra: Mr. Lloyd   Til: H.C. Andersen
Sprog: dansk.

[Bredsdorff: HCA og Charles Dickens, s. 107]

.. han har gennem Mrs. Busbhy hørt, at A. vilde aflægge ham et besøg samme dag kl. 12.30. Da Mr. lloyd ikke kunde være hjemme for at tage imod A. bad han denne opgive besøget:

Mr. Lloyd ventures to hope that on some future visit of Mr. Andersen to England he may have the gratification and parivelege of becoming personally acquainted with one from whose writings in their EEnglish dress he has derived more pleasure than he could express without incurring the suspicion of flattery. Sincerely hoping that Mr. Andersen may long be spard to the world of which he is so distingushed an ornament, Mr. lloyd bids him farewell with very sincere thanks for his kind cmpliance with Mrs. Bushby's request.

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