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Dato: 6. juli 1847
Fra: H.C. Andersen   Til: Richard Bentley
Sprog: engelsk.

Latinske bogstaver, det hele skrevet af HCA.

Sabloniere Hotel Lecister Square 6 Jul 1847

Dear Sir! You were kind enough to desire me to name a day which I could devote to the enjoyment of your society. The only one I have free in this week is the whole of next Friday & on Saturday untill 2 o'clock. If it would be convenient for yout to receive me on these days I will be at your residence by 10 o chlock on Friday morning!

Mr. Hambro has kindly promised to wait upon you concerning my affairs any day in the week with the exception of Tuesday & Friday, you will therefore be good enough to find a time.

Yours obliged H. C. Andersen

Mr. Bently Esq. New Burlington Street

Tekst fra: Solveig Brunholm