Fra bibliografierne

The Enchanted Screen

Jack Zipes: Andersen's Cinematic Legacy: Trivilaization and Innovation (pp. 252-80). Zipes argues that, in seeking primarily to profit from Andersen's work, populist portrayals, [...] not only misrepresent Hans Christian Andersen as a historical figure but also sustain the trivialized adaptations of his creative works. About the Danny Kaye-film, "The Little Mermaid", "The Princess on the Pea", "The Swineherd", "The Nightingale", "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Snow Queen", "Ethics and Adaptation".

(Bibliografisk kilde: HCAH)

Udgivet 2010
Sprog: engelsk
Kilde: H.C. Andersen-Centrets bibliografiske optegnelser   Bibliografi-ID: 19421
[Informationer opdateret d. 5.2.2014]