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Ghost contains among others: Sea ghost, The bone-horse, The grave-pig


Ghost, dead, death, soul

Description of this motif: A ghost is a dead person's soul, that has returned from the other side or never has been set free from this world despite death. The early tale "Dødningen" ('The dead man', 1830) and later "The Traveling Companion" (1838) is about a ghost, who helps the young Johannes, because he unselfishly saved the dead man's corpse from abuse.

Example :

John embraced him time and again, and said that he must not leave-them. He must stay here with John, who owed all his happiness to him. But the traveling companion shook his head. Gently and kindly he said:

"No, my time is now up. I have done no more than pay my debt to you. Do you remember the dead man whom the wicked men wanted to harm? You gave all that you had so that he might have rest in his grave. I am that dead man." And at once he disappeared.