Religious motifs : Overview. Search. About religious motifs


Faith, divine Providence, fate

Description of this motif: Providence is Gods knowledge about and interfering with the course of events among the living. Faith in Providence is trusting that God or a guardian angel helps one through difficult situations and hard times and helps one make the right decisions.

Example 1:

She thought of her brothers, and she thought of the good Lord, who she knew would not forsake her. He lets the wild crab apples grow to feed the hungry, and he led her footsteps to a tree with its branches bent down by the weight of their fruit. Here she had her lunch. After she put props under the heavy limbs, she went on into the depths of the forest.

Example 2:

Once more, for the last time, she must go to the churchyard and pluck a few more handfuls. She thought with fear of the lonely walk and the ghastly vampires, but her will was as strong as her faith in God.

She went upon her mission, but the King and his archbishop followed her. They saw her disappear through the iron gates of the churchyard, and when they came in after her they saw vampires sitting on a gravestone, just as Elisa had seen them.

The King turned away (...)