From the Hans Christian Andersen biography "The Life of Hans Christian Andersen. Day By Day", written by DPhil Johan de Mylius:


Journey to Sweden

3 July

Reads in the newspaper Fædrelandet that some of his fairy-tales have been translated by Jean Pio (who is staying in Athens) into New Greek.

5 July

Departure from Hem Vicarage via Mariager and Hobro to Randers (arriving 6th). By train on 8th from Randers to Hinnerup and then by coach to Friisenborg.

16 July

Leaves Friisenborg. Takes the ship from Århus to Korsør, arriving at Glorup Estate on 17th ("The garden is now very developed and might be the most beautiful in the country", the diary, same day). Does not feel at home here (feels that the estate lacks a wife and feels he can not stand such a bachelor-like lifestyle!). He is not a popular guest. All the same, he does receive a heartfelt farewell and an invitation to come again.

25 July

Departure from Glorup, headed for Sorø. On to Christinelund on 27th. From here he attends a dinner at Nysø.

4 August

Via Ringsted on the way back to Copenhagen.

7 August

The tenancy with Mrs Anholm in Nyhaven 67 is terminated, as the landlady requires the rooms for other purposes.

11 August

Receives a visit from Bjørnson, the Norwegian writer, who seeks HCA's support with regards to applying for the 'Anker' grant (HCA is on the board of directors for the grant). In return, Bjørnson will stage HCA's plays in Christinia, Norway.

12th - 21st August

Visits Mrs Neergaard in Søllerød. Here, there are celebrations in honour of HCA; a floral port has been erected, a song is sung for him and three cheers are shouted. Present are e.g. Michael Rosing, lecturer at Sorø Academy, who is a poet himself and reads his poems out loud for HCA. During an outing to Tårbeck, he gets to know the Austrian poet Ludwig August Frankl. There is also an outing to Hellebæk to visit Jonas Collin jnr. and the sister, Louise.

4 September

A party is held at Tivoli for the people from Slesvig (Mrs Heiberg has some of them staying with her). There is dancing and fireworks, and patriotic songs are sung. HCA is there, along with a total of 24,000 people.

9 September 1865

Before his journey to Sweden, HCA has searched for a new place to live, but with no result. During a dinner with the Melchior family, they offer him two rooms (with a view towards Malmø), should he wish to make use of them.

1865: Journey to Sweden

13 September

The last evening at no. 67 Nyhavn, which he had called his Danish home.

14 September

Bids Mrs Anholm farewell and departs for Sweden (via Malmø, Jönköping and Falköping to Stockholm).
The decision to go to Sweden had been made fairly suddenly and rather by chance. Originally, HCA had planned a trip to Portugal, but gave up on the idea upon hearing that cholera had broken out in Spain and that there was also a case of the disease in Lisbon. As an alternative, he asks Einar Drewsen to go to Paris with him, but Einar replies that he is too busy for such a journey. HCA therefore decides, after having had a talk with Edvard Collin on 6th, to go to Stockholm instead.

17th - 24th September

In Stockholm. Feels bored, as several of the people he had expected to see are not there. Moreover, he does not receive the degree of attention to which he was accustomed in Sweden. After a while, the situation does, however, improve. Amongst others, he visits Fredrika Bremer, Bernhard von Beskow and the editor of the newspaper Aftonbladet, August Sohlman. Also spends time with Martin Henriques and his family whilst here.

24th - 27th September

Travels with Henriques to Uppsala (Henriques returns to Stockholm on 26th). The students in Uppsala celebrate the arrival of HCA on 26th:

"A medley of lamps were lit, the Danish flag waved in the breeze, the students' spokesman made a speech for me and a beautiful poem was read aloud; Swedish and Danish songs were sung and as I walked home in the evening, I was accompanied by singing admirers. Curiously, the evening seemed beautifully southern, wind-still, with stars twinkling and at times the moon casting long beams. But ahead, to the north, the Northern Lights were shining. There was also song in the courtyard of the building I was staying in, and as they left, three cheers were shouted. I felt so wonderfully touched, so young again"
(Letter to Edvard Collin, 1st October).

27th September - 7th October

In Stockholm. Attends the theatre here, seeing a performance of Den Skønne Helene (The Beautiful Helene) by Offenbach. HCA describes the play as "typically French in its loose morality" and as "lecherous" [underlined]. It is the music of an ale-house" (diary, 29th). (This does not however prevent him from seeing the play once more at a later date in Denmark!).
Spends time with Bonniers and Beskows. Is in contact with the playwright Frans Hedberg.

28 September

Visits King Karl XV at Ulriksdal:

"I was welcomed in a most wonderful heartfelt manner. The king himself gave me a tour of the palace and introduced me to the queen. The king gave me a couple of his books and his portrait card. I received from him a paper cigar [cigarette] as the other cigars were too strong. It was all so intimately cosy and pleasant"
(letter to Edvard Collin, 1st October).

30 September

Visits Prince Oscar at his palace and then go with the prince to see his mother, Queen Josefina, at Drottningholm.

"Prince Oscar walked arm-in-arm with me through the halls, as did the king. How proud and joyful my mother would have been if she could have seen the likes of this, and old grandmother [paternal] too!"
(the diary, same day).

In a letter dated 1st October to Edvard Collin, HCA sums up the visit to Sweden, which had been a disappointment initially, as follows:

"all in all, I feel I have been welcomed as a celebrity. And yet - I confide in you - I do not feel happy at all. It is ungrateful, but I now understand more and more how empty, how like a bubble as the glitter and fame really is. I have read, and not just in Copenhagen Danish, that I am very vain. I do not believe that is so".

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