Hans Christian Andersen : Other prose - 6 titles

Other prose are prose works, which are neither (completed) novels, fairy tales nor stories.

The most noticeable is "Gjenfærdet ved Palnatokes Grav" from Ungdoms-Forsø ('First attempts', 1822), Andersen's very first published book, and the successful, experimental breakthrough Fodreise fra Holmens Canal til Østpynten af Amager i Aarene 1828 og 1829 ('Travel on foot "c.'), published on January 2, 1829, by the author.

501 Gjenfærdet ved Palnatokes Grav [Danish] June 1822 Danish
502 Fodreise fra Holmens Canal til Østpynten af Amager i Aarene 1828 og 1829 [Danish] 2 January 1829 Danish
503 Den skjønne Grammatica, eller Badens latinske Grammatik [Danish] 10 January 1831 Danish
504 Sorøe Gang [Danish] 1935 Danish
505 Fragmenter af en ufuldført historisk Roman [Danish] 1935 Danish
506 Christian den Andens Dverg [Danish] 1935 Danish