"Rejse-capriccio (Farvel du stolte hav med al din vælde)" [Danish title] is number 1613 in the Hans Christian Andersen Center's register of Andersen's literary works, i.e. no. 113 in the category poems (the range 1501 - 2900). BFN 128.

"Rejse-capriccio (Farvel du stolte hav med al din vælde)" [Danish title] was first published 10 January 1831, cf. the bibliographic description (in Danish) in : Digterens danske Værker 1822-1875, number in bibliography: 128:

Reise-Capriccio. (Farvel du stolte Hav) p. 107

(Brudstykke Saml. Skr. XII, 168 - Nr. VIII af Billeder fra Jylland).

ISBN: 87-11-11339-1

The work was published as a part of Phantasier og Skizzer [Danish title]. (Number 1302. BFN 109. Category/genre: Collection of poems).

Show this work in its context: all new Andersen publications from 1831.


The work was published later (19 December 1854) as a part of Billeder fra Jylland [Danish title]. (Number 1406. Category/genre: Cycles of poems).

Later edition: October 2000: Rejse-capriccio (Farvel du stolte hav med al din vælde) (HCAC ).

The Hans Christian Andersen library (bibliographies):
